Traceper English

How does it work

It’s purpose is based on tracking each user continuingly and synchronically. Besides, it provides sharing photos you shoot with your firends without making any transaction.

How it does it

Location datas which are obtained from mobile phones that installed Traceper are added to Traceper Cloud System. These datas could be tracked via a mobile phone which is installed Traceper. Tracking process could also be done via a computer internet explorer. There is a web version of Traceper.

How the mobile phone gets my location

There are 2 features of getting locations in your phone. First of these is via GPS, the other one is via network. Each of these ways has positive and negative features. Traceper gets your locations in process of already designated 5 minutes gaps and transfers them to Traceper Cloud System. You also could send your location whenever you want.

Getting location data via GPS feature

GPS is good for detection our location via 24 satellite which revolve around the world. In order to run this feature properly you have to be out of a building. Open air and the device’s being detectable towards the sky affect the performance, as well. Power consumption may increase substantially. Beside, GPS location detection service can detect the location with centimetric

Getting location data via Network connection

When this system is used your location is detected inferentially by use of your phone’s mobile network or internet network. It generally serves the close data to real one, failure rate may be high time to time. Power consuption is too low. Because of this features we advice this service to our users.

Is internet connection is necessary?

In order to send the location data to Traceper Cloud System and get your friends’ location data your phone’s internet connection is necessary. Internet data usage is at very low levels.

Checking friends locations

Traceper checks your friends locations at a certain level and this level could be designated by you. Constitutively it is every other minutes.

Tracking feature

Via Traceper you could choose a friend of yours and know of his/her location change that he/she would do. Location change distant’s radius is basically adjusted as 20 meters. The distant could be changed by yours.

How could i add my friends

You could open the friends tabs and you could send requests. If you want, you could click the Facebook icon and you could recommend the application to your friends, via this, you could track more friends.

Traceper Team

Adding Friend

Follow the below steps to add friend

User searching and request sending:

When a user sends a request to another user The Traceper alarms the added one and states the friendship request. The added one could accept the request or delete it.

How to accept a friendship request

The other way

Traceper Team

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